Useful links

Below is a list of National and Regional HIV support organisations covering England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This is by no means an exhaustive list and we will continually update this page to help with further signposting to local services.

British HIV Association

BHIVA is the leading UK association representing professionals in HIV care. Since 1995, we have been committed to providing excellent care for people living with and affected by HIV. BHIVA is a national advisory body on all aspects of HIV care and we provide a national platform for HIV care issues.

Children's HIV Association

CHIVA supports children and young people living with HIV across the UK and Ireland. We address critical needs for those growing up with HIV. CHIVA works to ensure young people have the knowledge, understanding, skills and support needed to live well and achieve their greatest potential.

Eddystone Trust (Somerset and Devon)

The Eddystone Trust is an independent organisation providing information and support for anyone affected by HIV across the Southwest. Some services also relate to wider sexual health in Somerset and Devon. Services include emotional and practical support to people affected by HIV, support with housing and money issues, peer support, counselling, complementary therapies, safer sex resources and condoms by post.

George House Trust (Greater Manchester)

George House Trust can offer you one to one advice on matters that may be affecting you right now or which you worry may affect you in the future. As someone living with HIV, you can talk to an adviser on any issue that may concern you and they will advise, signpost or advocate on your behalf.

HIV i-Base

HIV i-Base is a treatment activist group. We are committed to providing timely and up to date information about HIV treatment to HIV positive people and to health care professionals. i-Base is a charity that was formed in April 2000 by the former publications, editorial and meetings team from the AIDS Treatment Project, London.

HIV-Drug Interactions Checker

Liverpool Drug Interactions website was established in 1999 by members of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool to provide a freely available drug-drug interaction resource. They provide clinically useful, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date, evidence-based drug-drug interaction resource, freely available to healthcare workers, patients and researchers.


Formerly named the National Long-Term Survivors Group, is based in the UK, and provides support to people living with HIV.

HiVitality runs ‘Living Proof’ retreats which provide a safe and relaxed place in the countryside where participants can meet others who are also living with HIV. The retreats provide the opportunity to explore the challenges of living with HIV. This is achieved this through peer support groups, complementary therapies, and well-being sessions.

Kernow Positive Support (Cornwall)

Kernow Positive Support are based in The Hub at Treliske Hospital with links to the HIV clinic. They provide an extensive range of support services for people in Cornwall living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. They also offer guidance and support, tailoring our services to clients’ individual needs, and fight against stigma and discrimination towards people with HIV, helping to empower and support. Services include client advocacy, representation, training, financial and housing advice, counselling, therapies, drop-in opportunities, peer support, hardship funds and awareness raising workshops.

My Community Forum

My Community Forum is a free, welcoming, and safe place to meet other people living with HIV in the UK. Moderated by trained volunteers based throughout the country, our members have a wealth of experience, so there’s always someone on hand to answer any of your questions. This service is provided by Terrence Higgins Trust.

National AIDS Manual aidsmap

After 37 years of pioneering health journalism, community engagement, and empowerment through information, Aidsmap have now ceased operations. This website will be accessible until September 2025, with all the information being up to date as of July 2024.

National AIDS Trust

NAT (National AIDS Trust) is dedicated to transforming the UK's response to HIV. We champion the rights of people living with HIV and campaign for change, shaping attitudes, challenging injustice, and changing lives. NAT believe everyone deserves health and equality and we won't let HIV stand in the way.

National HIV Nurses Association

NHIVNA is the leading UK professional association representing nurses in HIV care. Founded in 1998, it is a well-established and highly respected organisation committed to providing excellence in the care of those living with and affected by HIV. NHIVNA aims to provide an academic and educational forum for the dissemination of original nursing research in the field of HIV/AIDS. In addition, NHIVNA aims to address the communication and support needs of these nurses to assist in the promotion of best practice in the care of people with HIV.

Positive Life (Northern Ireland)

Positive Life supports and promotes positive living for people with and affected by HIV in Northern Ireland. Positive Life has been making a difference to the quality of people’s lives for over 25 years, beginning life as the AIDS Telephone Helpline in 1986 and now as a city centre facility offering a range of services and support which has expanded across Northern Ireland.

Positive Peers (Birmingham)

Positive Peers offers peer support to individuals living with HIV in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands area. The Positive Peers team is comprised of individuals living with HIV who receive their HIV care and treatment in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands area. As trained Peer Mentors, the team have a wealth of lived experience of living with HIV and are well placed to help support you if you’re living in the Birmingham area.

Sophia Forum

Sophia Forum promotes and advocates for the rights, health, welfare and dignity of women living with HIV through research, raising awareness and influencing policy. They do this through developing and delivering their advocacy programme, bringing together information and research on the issues affecting women living with HIV as well as creating partnerships with organisations, policy makers and individuals delivering services.

THT Direct Helpline

THT is a national helpline for support, advice and information for people living with or affected by HIV. They also provide sexual health information including how to obtain Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) They operate a freephone number 0808 802 1221.

Terrence Higgins Trust England

Terrence Higgins Trust are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across England. As well as provide services, we campaign on issues from relationships and sex education in schools to the proper funding of HIV services. We also run community projects such as Positive Voices, which supports people living with HIV to tell their own stories, and Work Positive, which helps people living with HIV into employment.

Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland

Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland has centres in Dundee and Glasgow and offers services to people living with HIV. The services they provide include sexual health information and advice, testing for sexually transmitted infections, counselling, HIV testing clinics, support groups for people living with or affected by HIV, and financial assistance and advice. In addition they help raise awareness in schools, colleges and universities as well as providing training and consultancy.

Terrence Higgins Trust Wales

Terrence Higgins Trust has centres delivering services in Cardiff and Swansea. They campaign on issues around sexual health and HIV to the Welsh Assembly and Welsh Government.

Waverley Care

Waverley Care is Scotland’s HIV and Hepatitis C charity. They are a community of diverse and inspiring people united by the same goal – to make a positive difference in the lives of people living with or affected by HIV or Hepatitis C in Scotland. Their work is focused on prevention, education, testing and support. They work throughout Scotland to reduce new HIV and Hepatitis C infections, getting people diagnosed and supporting those affected in whatever ways they need. An important part of their work is to challenge HIV and Hepatitis C related stigma, tackling health inequalities and promoting good sexual health.

Yorkshire MESMAC (Yorkshire and Humber)

Yorkshire MESMAC is one of the oldest and largest sexual health organisations in the country. We offer services to various communities including men who have sex with men, BME people, people misusing drugs, sex workers and LGB&T young people and adults. They have bases in Bradford, Hull , Leeds and Rotherham.

There are many other local and regional charities who also provide HIV and sexual health services throughout the UK. We are happy to help signpost you to services near you, please email Alternatively we suggest you call THT Direct on 0808 802 1221 who can provide further help and assistance.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of organisations which we will continually update.